History of Physiotherapy
If one goes back in time, you will find forms of physiotherapy used centuries ago. Hippocrates advocated
massage and Hector used hydrotherapy (water therapy) in 460 B.C.
The earliest documented
origins of actual physical therapy as a professional group date back to Per
Henrik Ling, “Father of Swedish Gymnastics,” who founded the Royal Central
Institute of Gymnastics (RCIG) in 1813 for massage, manipulation, and exercise.
The word Physical therapist is a Swedish word “sjukgymnast” = “sick-gymnast.” Modern physical therapy was established to the end of the 19th century in Britain.
Later that decade, physical
therapists started to move beyond hospital-based practice to outpatient
orthopedic clinics, public schools, colleges/universities, geriatric settings (skilled nursing facilities), rehabilitation centers and medical centers.
Physical therapy in the U.S. was more specialized as form 1974.
Now we know where our profession originated from. I think we are lucky, to be able to
to be medical professionals in our modern era with technology and a lot of evidenced based research at our finger tips. Just so much more we can do to help our patients.